Tanenbaum Keale partner Christopher Marks will serve as a faculty member for the upcoming National Trial Academy, scheduled for September 18-22 in Reno, Nevada.
Sponsored by the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) and the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA), the National Trial Academy offers a select group of 36 students the opportunity to participate in a 4½-day program affectionately called the country’s top “Boot Camp for Lawyers.” Students will be offered a unique, interactive, diverse program combining the latest technology with the country’s top trial lawyers as personal mentors, as students try a case to verdict.
With a 3-to-1 student-to-faculty member ratio, each student receives individualized and personal mentoring from accomplished attorneys like Marks, district judges, Supreme Court justices, jury consultants, professors and technical engineers.
The students will be exposed to a broad array of trial techniques and methodologies ranging from computer animation and litigation software technology to instruction on voir dire by nationally renowned jury consultants. Having faculty members and students who represent both sides of the trial bar allows students to be critiqued from both perspectives and learn from each other on how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments, as well as receive schooling on professional and ethical conduct in a courtroom.
The National Judicial College, where practicing judges from around the world come to be educated in all aspects of trial practice, hosts the event.