
Our Value Proposition

CaseEnsemble™ is the flagship product of Xerdict Group LLC, a wholly owned technology subsidiary of Tanenbaum Keale LLP, a litigation boutique serving global companies.

Why is this important? Several reasons. First, we are not subject to the whims and timetables of software companies that include litigation case management systems in a long list of their product offerings. Second, we own the CaseEnsemble™ source code and upgrade the CaseEnsemble™ system on a regular basis. Third, we have decades of litigation experience helping guide updates to the CaseEnsemble™ system and ensuring it meets the current and anticipated needs of clients.

What does this mean to our clients? Xerdict is able to deliver customized systems exceptionally quickly with very low implementation costs. Depending on the complexity of the matter and the level of customization sought by a client, these systems can often be deployed within days with no implementation costs to our clients.

But whether a system is tracking one, hundreds or thousands of matters, Xerdict is able to deliver customized systems to clients based on their requirements and business needs informed by years of delivering sophisticated systems to global companies managing complex and bet-the-company litigation.


CaseEnsemble™ is the flagship product Most commonly, CaseEnsemble™ is deployed to address what many might consider “traditional” litigation management needs. As owners and developers of the source code, Xerdict offers benefits over and above rapid, cost-effective deployments. It also offers collaborative opportunities to foster innovation.

Today, in addition to its deployment for case management purposes, CaseEnsemble™ is used by clients to process and analyze LEDES task-based invoices, track litigation documents in a client facility, track and report on worldwide legal spend and assist in the discovery process of a nationwide mass tort litigation using a sophisticated workflow management engine to efficiently process discovery requests.

At Xerdict we enjoy collaborating with clients to meet their traditional and legal business needs and developing systems to meet their emerging needs and challenges.

Our Approach

We pride ourselves on our delivery of systems supporting technology-infused legal services to our clients. In particular, our cloud-platform technology allows us to provide innovative and exceptional client service.

Through our IT subsidiary, Xerdict Group LLC, and its proprietary web-based extranet tool, CaseEnsemble™, we offer our clients a collaborative platform where real-time data is available from which strategies may be developed, assessed and refined throughout the course of any matter. CaseEnsemble™ permits each client to determine what data related to hundreds or thousands of claimants will be tracked at the inception of the matter and adjusted, as needed, throughout the life of the matter. This data may include information about the nature of liability claims, the extent of damage claims, liens, key documents and depositions, procedural status, upcoming events and settlements, to name but a few data fields. It also allows clients to track information relevant to their businesses including product usage, alleged failure modes, claimant demographics, and other data needed for internal business use and external reporting. CaseEnsemble™ facilitates communication among legal teams, allowing in-house, national and local counsel to communicate seamlessly and share information in a secure space. It provides clients instant access to data for reporting, analysis and disclosure and to assist in setting reserves when that is necessary.

What is CaseEnsemble™ and How Can it Help You?

We pride ourselves on our delivery of systems supporting technology- CaseEnsemble™ is the flagship product of Xerdict Group LLC. It is a web-based application made available to clients via an internet browser. The application is hosted in two SSAE 16 SOC 2 certified, fully redundant data centers in St. Louis, MO and Dallas, TX. CaseEnsemble™ is constructed using the Oracle database, one of the leading professional-grade relational database platforms in the technology industry.

How can CaseEnsemble™ help you? Today, CaseEnsemble™ assists corporate law departments in answering questions posed by senior management, auditors and other stakeholders. CaseEnsemble™ provides data necessary to properly evaluate litigation and empower more favorable outcomes. CaseEnsemble™ also helps clients manage, analyze and report on data necessary for regulatory, insurance and financial submissions. And, finally, CaseEnsemble™ advances collaboration among clients, their national coordinating counsel, when in place, and local counsel to help ensure that strategies are uniformly executed by the legal team devoted to a litigation.

Our “Traditional” Use Cases

Litigation in today’s legal environment is complex, and no off-the-shelf or stock legal management system has the flexibility these demanding times require. CaseEnsemble™ permits almost unlimited flexibility in terms of what is tracked and reported and who may have access to data in the system. At the macro level, among the most common needs CaseEnsemble™ addresses through cutting-edge technology are:

  • Case Management – CaseEnsemble™ empowers tracking of case data relating to plaintiffs, defendants, venue, alleged injuries, products, settlements, legal costs and associated documents including complaints, depositions, releases, settlement and lien records.
  • Legal Repository – CaseEnsemble™ provides a collaborative area for collections of documents, including expert reports, depositions, case strategy, legal analysis, product information, key company documents, medical reports and work product.
  • Calendaring – CaseEnsemble™ permits the tracking of all case-related events, including depositions, case management conferences, matter deadlines, trials and other related legal events.

What Makes CaseEnsemble™ Different?

Our development strategy for CaseEnsemble™ has been to write code that allows technologists, as opposed to coders, to configure systems for clients. For example, in a new client build, client-facing technologists can construct system menus, create and place system fields on forms and use a query manager to deploy reports. This means Xerdict is able to build new systems in a less expensive and timelier manner than most software companies.

Tanenbaum Keale LLP invests in the development of customized software that not only meets the needs of clients today but anticipates their needs going forward as technology takes an ever-growing role in the delivery of efficient and cost-effective legal services. We believe that our willingness to invest for our clients and the decades of litigation and resolution experience we bring to the development of technological tools to assist our clients in their defense of single cases or mass litigation allows us to offer far better technology solutions to our clients than other software companies in the litigation support marketplace today.

Kenneth E. Jones

Principal Consultant, Xerdict Group LLC

Three Gateway Center
100 Mulberry Street,
Suite 1301
Newark, New Jersey 07102
P: 973.242.0002
F: 973.242.8099973.820.1132

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A litigation boutique dedicated to your legal needs